9 Mei 2011

Be Kind..Oh Yeah~

I remebered a verse sent down to us from Allah, our Lord who said:

(Woe to whorshippers, who are absent-minded to their prayer, those who make a show (of piety), and refuse to render small acts of kindness(towars others).)
(Al-Ma'un 107 :4-7)

Ya Allah,....Oh My God..Did Allah just use the word woe? Woe to the ones who refused to render small acts of kindness? Do we know this implicationof this word woe, my freinds?

As I flipped the pages of my big red dictionary, I learned that the word woe meant serious (CODE READ!) grief, misfortune, afflication, sadness, despair, misery and wretchedness.

Gulp! Na'uzubillah (we seek refuge in Allah).
... I could feel my knees going wobbly suddenly.

These are not the strings of words I want to exist in my life! No.....

let us ask ourselves - have we ever ignored an old man who has diffculties crossing the road? Or our mother's request to massage her painful back and tired feet? Have we helped our baby brother to tie his show lace? Or comfort a friend whose confidence was shatterd by words of others? Perhaps helped orphans who need donations? Assist a lady with a flat tire on the road? Helped out a homeless who asked for glass of water? Given aid to a stranger who looked lost? Fulfilled a request for volunteer to help out in the masjid?

I am so afraid that if I continue to close one eye and ignore all these opputunities for me to do small acts kindness - Allah would send package of "serious grief" to me! A package that says - "Special Delivery: Compliments from my Lord. Thanks for the service Not Rendered to My Other Creations".

Do I dare face the consequences of such a special package" delivery just because I am too LAZY, too proud, too busy, too tired to be kind, to help, to care, to assist another person? Do you dare my friends?

Nauzubllah...There goes my wobbly feet again.

Don't think so, right? Uhh!

Suddenly I realized that I really needed to know something . What does Allah mean by small acts kindness? How small is small? What is the quantum of "smalness of kindness" Allah is saying to us here?

The answer came from our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) :

"Do not be little even the smallest act of kindness, even if it were no more than meeting your brother with a smiling and cheerful face." =))

Subhanallah.........I cannot believe it! The smallest act of kindnessis a cheerful, smiling face? Is't that amazing? I couldn't believe that it s so simple to be kind! Alhamdulilah!

And u know something else? I found that we don't necessarly need human being, as said by the prophet (peace be upon him) here:

".....O Allah's Messenger! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?" He said, "Yes, there is reward for serving any animate (living being)."
(Al-Bukhri and Muslim)

So, even if we suddenly become Tom Hanks being Cast Away on an Island alone - we still have aa chance to be kind!

How? By serving the animals and plants around us, of course! By being kind to our pets and animals that live around us : don't hurt them, don't throw stones at them and definitely don't burn them! If u see them ill, take them to the vet. Care of them. Feed them. If they drink milk, give them some milk. If they eat biscuits, give them some biscuit. And if them eat meat, please send them back to the zoo because they surely are at the wrong place! :D
Oh, and yes, please do water your plants too - because by doing all these things, these things, there is reward for us! Yup! Tottaly!


4 ulasan:

  1. btol tu, buat baik bkn kat org je, kat haiwan & pokok-pukau. =)

  2. yup2.be kind to others ya thoriq....erk? pokok pukau? new vocab.hihih..=p

  3. totally agree!..what u give u get back..so, be kind to everything that "lives"...=)

  4. ahah...that's right cik dila...=))


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